LEDFlex Summer Social

After months of contemplation, LEDFlex finally got an opportunity to host their first post-pandemic social event. Words cannot express how ecstatic we were to meet our fellow colleagues from the lighting design industry face to face after more than a year of only being able to speak to them over zoom. One of the key things this pandemic has taught is the power of collaboration and we thought what would be a better theme than this for the night. And so keeping in mind social distancing guidelines, we hosted a competitive evening of games and cocktails to rekindle our collaboration and team building skills.

The evening exclusively hosted designers representing top practices including BDP, Nulty+, Speirs Major, WSP, Fosters + Partners and Equation Lighting, to name a few. It was further supported by SkillsArmy, a platform founded by veteran lighting designer, Emma Cogswell, to inspire young professionals to thrive in the lighting industry.

As restrictions ease further, we look forward to hosting many more events like this and meeting more of you in the future.

Author: Pallavi Jain

30th July 2021